Monday, September 19, 2016

Past 1/2 Way

Just 11 Days Left!!!

Who will be crowned Prince & Princess of porn this month?? You decide!! Just 11 days of voting left boards close on Friday Sept. 30th at 4pm SLT.
Anyone can still win, and it's not to late to enter!!

Here is what the winners get:

The Prince and Princess will each receive:
  • A 10 to 14 photo solo pictorial shot by a quality photographer
    • Posted on  * SL PORN * Blog
  • A 10 to 14 photo hardcore pictorial together shot by a quality photographer
    • Posted on  * SL PORN * Blog
  • A place in the King & Queen of Porn calendar for 2018
  • 50% of the money spent on casting votes for them
  • And of course group tags "Prince of Porn" or "Princess of Porn"

Notices, September 18

When you trade your guns for love Manuel Tyran

Everyone should trade there guns and words in for love.. at the end of the day we are all the same. Life is to short to hate, life is to short to discriminate..we all bleed the same color..

When you lay your guns down and caught in the crossfire of this world..will love defend you?

.:: Diva Poses::. Made By: Barracuz
Photo Taken and Edited By: Barracuz

Blowing time Carly Mode

Sunday is almost over...
Time to get back to work...
so lets end it with a smile...

Carly Mode

Male Model Court Faith

Needing Two MALE models. Sorry ladies, just the guys today. <333

Court Faith.

P.S. Send me ya flickr unless we've already done that route :D

Free Pose from Leannan and James (Eroticpose) Sufferingfrom Lockjaw

Normally I don't do this, but today is the reason this pose was made.  If any of you like to do photography and like something a little special, this is good for paying tribute to a loved one who has passed, or for doing "love" to another person, depending on the andle you place the hearts:)
Feel free to let me know if you post a pic on Flickr, I love to see other people's renditions of my poses
Hug your parents close while you got them, folks.  <3

PNC-Upclose&Personal Alexandria Topaz

The Legendary Movie Makers  and Shakers:
Serenity Kristan-Faulds   & Louise Kristan-Faulds

*A Must Read

A. Topaz
PNC Prod.

Head Cheerleader- A Dog Star Production Isabelle Cheviot

Remember when Brunella played a cheerleader who fucked her way to the top?  Turns out that wasn't the end of the story.  Vicki Concertina makes her Dog Star film debut as Brunella's competition for the coveted head cheerleader position.  She and Bru won't stop at ANYTHING to get ahead!

New Adult Furniture Review Edvard Taurion

[AF] Hot Press News Dispenser
Innovative and original product on promo price that will open brand new space and way to enjoy in your RP.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Notices, September 17

Very Erotic Nymale69

I would like t thank Darkangel69 Vig for poseing

Amaterasu and the Isles of Japan Ravaredfield

Here is my liking for Japan.


September 10th *SL PORN*Saturday Beach Party Missemily23

The party of the week at the World Famous Porn*Stars Beach!!
Pictures by Erin!
DJ Zoey and DJ Wolfgang played wonderfully!
This week's sponsor was MP Noir!!

Next Party: The biggest party of the week! Saturday, September 17th at the World Famous Porn Stars Beach,  1pm to 3pm slt

The World Famous Porn*Star Beach Party!!! Zoey Winsmore

It's almost time for our weekly World Famous Porn*Stars Beach Party at 1:00 PM SLT with me starting and mixing the music and Emily hosting.

Our official party sponsor, MP Noir, has donated giftcards for two winners, enter the raffle. More info:

LM included.

House of the rising Sun Ravaredfield


a shot was happen while I was working.


Breathless (full set) Solidx

The entire album uploaded to flickr ,enjoy and thank you for faving my work :D
Happy weekend, Hugs Solid.

New Adult Furniture Review Edvard Taurion

[RNP] Floor/Bed - Personal use engine
Long awaited, top quality personal engine from famous [RNP] Animations RohanaRaven Zerbino's store, hand made custom animation, affordable price and much more.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

September 10th * SL PORN * Saturday Beach Party 2

The party of the week at the World Famous Porn*Stars Beach!!
This week's sponsor was MP Noir!!
They donated (2) L$1000 gift cards!!
Be sure to check out MP Designs Marketplace and In-World Store!!

If you were there, you might be in these pictures. If you couldn't make it, you should see what you missed!!
DJ Zoey and DJ Wolfgang played wonderfully!
Pictures by Erin!

Click "Read more" to see the rest!!

* SL PORN * Saturday BEACH Party!!!

Today, The World Famous Porn*Stars Beach Party!!

 Saturday September 17th, 1pm to 3pm slt on The World Famous Porn*Stars Beach: 
DJ Zoey Winsmore will be playing the music. 
I (Emily) will be hosting.  

  MP Noir is our party sponsor this week!!!

This party 2 raffle winners will each receive a L$1,000 gift card redeemable at MP Noir!!! This is done so that you can pick the prize you want instead of being stuck with the ones I picked from MP Noir. The raffle is free to enter so there is no reason not to!! The raffle board randomly selects the winner, no voting, everyone entered has a fair and equal chance!! 

Be sure to check out MP Noir Marketplace and In-World Store!!

Parties are made so you can meet others in porn, make some friends and help you get cast. There is a lot of comers and goers in porn and the best way to let people like myself know you're interested or still available is to come to parties, I cast people not names, no one casts sight unseen, no one gets discovered or remembered sitting at home, you need to show whether you want to be a part of this community or not!! Parties are a golden opportunity so take it!!! See and be seen!!! Hope you all cum and have a great time !

So put on something "beachy" on, swim suit or nude works best because it is HOTT on the beach!! Cum listen to some great music, enter for a chance to win a L$1,000 gift card redeemable at MP Noir and party with the biggest names in SL Porn!! As always, nudity and naughtiness is encouraged! Most every piece of furniture on the beach has a sex menu, so don't be shy this is a porn star party on an adult sim, the naughtier the better!! 

***NOTE: We want to make this party enjoyable for all, because of the size of the crowd (40+) at this party we ask that everyone be under 100 scripts.  A script counter is set at the landing zone and shows the 10 most heavily scripted avis to help you know if you are one, also  the "Doorman" will be active and give you 8 minutes to reduce your scripts if you exceed the limits before ejecting you. We want to do everything we can to make these parties enjoyable for everyone and reducing lag is a big part of it.
*** WARNING: Naughty pictures will be taken!! So if you're fucking someone that will probably get posted on this blog for the world to see!! Where as if you stay clothed and stand in one spot, the chances greatly diminish!! 

Locker Room Adventure

From the Notice Post on: Friday, September 16, 2016

"Locker Room Adventure" released Kane Daffyd

Those of you who enjoyed the preview pics of Jane Anus' encounter in the locker room are in for a treat. The movie, "Locker Room Adventure" has just been released. Enjoy!

Look out for more PIxel Sin content soon!
KD :)
Locker Room Adventure from Pixel Sin on Vimeo.

Notices, September 16

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Friday, September 16, 2016

September 10th * SL PORN * Saturday Beach Party

The party of the week at the World Famous Porn*Stars Beach!!
This week's sponsor was MP Noir!!
They donated (2) L$1000 gift cards!!
Be sure to check out MP Designs Marketplace and In-World Store!!

If you were there, you might be in these pictures. If you couldn't make it, you should see what you missed!!
DJ Zoey and DJ Wolfgang played wonderfully!
Pictures by Erin!

Click "Read more" to see the rest!!

* SL PORN * Saturday BEACH Party!!!

Tomorrow, The World Famous Porn*Stars Beach Party!!

Saturday September 17th, 1pm to 3pm slt on The World Famous Porn*Stars Beach: ,DJ Zoey Winsmore will be playing the music. 
I (Emily) will be hosting.  

  MP Noir is our party sponsor this week!!!

This party 2 raffle winners will each receive a L$1,000 gift card redeemable at MP Noir!!! This is done so that you can pick the prize you want instead of being stuck with the ones I picked from MP Noir. The raffle is free to enter so there is no reason not to!! The raffle board randomly selects the winner, no voting, everyone entered has a fair and equal chance!! 

Be sure to check out MP Noir Marketplace and In-World Store!!

Parties are made so you can meet others in porn, make some friends and help you get cast. There is a lot of comers and goers in porn and the best way to let people like myself know you're interested or still available is to come to parties, I cast people not names, no one casts sight unseen, no one gets discovered or remembered sitting at home, you need to show whether you want to be a part of this community or not!! Parties are a golden opportunity so take it!!! See and be seen!!! Hope you all cum and have a great time !

So put on something "beachy" on, swim suit or nude works best because it is HOTT on the beach!! Cum listen to some great music, enter for a chance to win a L$1,000 gift card redeemable at MP Noir and party with the biggest names in SL Porn!! As always, nudity and naughtiness is encouraged! Most every piece of furniture on the beach has a sex menu, so don't be shy this is a porn star party on an adult sim, the naughtier the better!! 

***NOTE: We want to make this party enjoyable for all, because of the size of the crowd (40+) at this party we ask that everyone be under 100 scripts.  A script counter is set at the landing zone and shows the 10 most heavily scripted avis to help you know if you are one, also  the "Doorman" will be active and give you 8 minutes to reduce your scripts if you exceed the limits before ejecting you. We want to do everything we can to make these parties enjoyable for everyone and reducing lag is a big part of it.
*** WARNING: Naughty pictures will be taken!! So if you're fucking someone that will probably get posted on this blog for the world to see!! Where as if you stay clothed and stand in one spot, the chances greatly diminish!! 

Audition 2016/005 (starring Melissa Barnes)

From the Notice Post on: Thursday, September 15, 2016

Pixel Sin " Audition Videos" kicks off with Melissa Barnes Kane Daffyd

Ever wondered what happens behind the scenes of a porn audition? Well wonder no longer, as Pixel Sin showcases  our very best audition material. First up is the gorgeous Melissa Barnes! Enjoy!

KD :)
Audition 2016/005 (starring Melissa Barnes) from Pixel Sin on Vimeo.

Notices, September 15

You Can Never Forget Manuel Tyran

That touch.. that lust ... the craving it is so hard to forget . It is so hard to forget the touch of your get the best of my mind of every night.. because it is so hard to forget..

Brought to you by Drop Dead Diva Production's
Much Love <3 Ella xoxo
.:: Diva Poses::. Made By: Barracuz
Photo Taken and Edited By: Barracuz

Dark Temptation Camron McMahon

Taken at the Chamber Society. Thanks to Dai for the title suggestion. Now I just need him to join me in the chair.

"Locker Room Adventure" released Kane Daffyd

Those of you who enjoyed the preview pics of Jane Anus' encounter in the locker room are in for a treat. The movie, "Locker Room Adventure" has just been released. Enjoy!

Look out for more PIxel Sin content soon!
KD :)

New Adult Furniture Review Edvard Taurion

DO Adult Pier & Boat Rezzer - NEW!!
For unbelievable price of just 125 L$ boat rezzer and pier with great adult menu in 100% mesh, low prim high in details. Read all about it on:

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Club B'erodism

From the Notice Post on: Wednesday, September 14, 2016

My latest movie, Club B'erodism Ravaredfield

Hello everyone,

after 9 months of work my current project comes to an end.
The movie:

Club B'erodism

It is a story aber some people that spend a night in a BDSM club. But for some people this night will be not like they imagine.
Here is the link.

I hope you enjoy
Club B'erodism powered by XTube

Notices, September 14

The Need Marika Blaisdale

This is the set I've made for DogStars Productions blog for Tgirl Tuesday, featuring Domizia Rosea and me. Hope you'll like it:

The set:

The post on DSP blog:


Locked Out Jeffcosgrove

In a fit of silliness, Sofia peeked outside into the hallway, seeking to grab one of the morning newspapers laying in close by while her lover was still showering......

The Touch Is All You Need Manuel Tyran

The need of that touch.. the touch that burn's your insides..there is no sight needed. Your hands have a life of there own and find what your soul want's..and when that contact is made it is like nothing else matters ..the explosion that releases is like heaven opening.

Brought to you by Drop Dead Diva Production's
Much Love <3 Ella xoxo
.:: Diva Poses::. Made By: Barracuz
Photo Taken and Edited By: Barracuz

PNC- Client Work Alexandria Topaz

Photo Courtesy of Curtis Trevellion

A. Topaz

Romantic Embrace Rachelchristine Avro

it started as a dance in her arms and ended snuggled against her breast my lips puckers on her swollen nipple

Sexy Jane Anus Shines in "Locker Room Adventures" Kane Daffyd

There's nothing like a warm down after a workout, and gorgeous Jane Anus got just that when she walked into the mens' locker room and forgot her top was unzipped a little too far. With the movie in production, here's a sneak preview. Enjoy!

KD :)

Blog Entry about Club B' erodism  Ravaredfield

Hello everyone,

now that the movie is released, I have a Blog to share.
If you want to know more about the production, you will find many informations about it.

Have fun

Naked Jungle Louisered Faulds

Pixel Sin " Audition Videos" kicks off with Melissa Barnes Kane Daffyd

Ever wondered what happens behind the scenes of a porn audition? Well wonder no longer, as Pixel Sin showcases  our very best audition material. First up is the gorgeous Melissa Barnes! Enjoy!

KD :)

Girl love Girls 3 Marika Blaisdale

The series continues. Featuring ღ K ღ (Kemi Miles) and myself in episode 3 of Girls love Girls series.


New Adult Furniture Review Edvard Taurion

Xplicit Canopy Mistress Throne C
New from Xplicit, fine fem dome throne with great menu, texture changer and much more. Read all about it on:

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Notices, September 12

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