Why aren't they keeping up???
So I was looking at some pictures watching a few movies and do you know what I really look for???
Some animations that I haven't seen before and isn't physically impossible to do in real life!!!
The problem is that most furniture makers don't make their own animations, they pay around 100k and put basically the same full perm sex engine in that everyone else does!!! There are like 3 or 4 major sex engine providers that copy each other and sell their sex engines to 90% of the furniture makers.
What I'm really talking about is this: Most of us in porn have spent a lot of Lins on making our avis look great!! Most of the furniture makers have switched to mesh made their products copy/mod so we can make adjustments as needed and they offer a wide variety of textures with low prims!! That's all fantastic our movies and photos look better for it, but when it comes to animations it's like they are stuck in 2010!!
We may as well be wearing face lights, have full bright in our flexi hair and wear jewelry and shoes that blink!! How hard it it to give us fluid movements instead of the clunky ones??? Has anyone made new animations in the last year???
Ok to give an example, in 2011 I blogged about how great it was that TNT was coming out with a new bed and a new sex engine
TNT EXIMIUS V5.0 SEX ENGINE BED looking at the Market place today it looks like TNT is still using the Eximius V5.0 in there very newest bed
TnT Palais Lovers Yours and Mine Mesh Bed Eximius Full Version 5.0 (searched for newest in their MP store). Sure this bed might have a few more poses, but it essentially still using the same poses from 2011 (Version 5.0) just put on a new mesh bed!!
Come on animators, catch up with the times and make some new and more fluid looking animations!!! I try to make movies that "WOW" people but other than how I film, camera angles and set design, you might as will watch a movie from 2010 and those stiff ass animations when it comes to the sex scenes!!!
Reminds me of
Whirligig !!