Monday, September 19, 2016

Notices, September 18

When you trade your guns for love Manuel Tyran

Everyone should trade there guns and words in for love.. at the end of the day we are all the same. Life is to short to hate, life is to short to discriminate..we all bleed the same color..

When you lay your guns down and caught in the crossfire of this world..will love defend you?

.:: Diva Poses::. Made By: Barracuz
Photo Taken and Edited By: Barracuz

Blowing time Carly Mode

Sunday is almost over...
Time to get back to work...
so lets end it with a smile...

Carly Mode

Male Model Court Faith

Needing Two MALE models. Sorry ladies, just the guys today. <333

Court Faith.

P.S. Send me ya flickr unless we've already done that route :D

Free Pose from Leannan and James (Eroticpose) Sufferingfrom Lockjaw

Normally I don't do this, but today is the reason this pose was made.  If any of you like to do photography and like something a little special, this is good for paying tribute to a loved one who has passed, or for doing "love" to another person, depending on the andle you place the hearts:)
Feel free to let me know if you post a pic on Flickr, I love to see other people's renditions of my poses
Hug your parents close while you got them, folks.  <3

PNC-Upclose&Personal Alexandria Topaz

The Legendary Movie Makers  and Shakers:
Serenity Kristan-Faulds   & Louise Kristan-Faulds

*A Must Read

A. Topaz
PNC Prod.

Head Cheerleader- A Dog Star Production Isabelle Cheviot

Remember when Brunella played a cheerleader who fucked her way to the top?  Turns out that wasn't the end of the story.  Vicki Concertina makes her Dog Star film debut as Brunella's competition for the coveted head cheerleader position.  She and Bru won't stop at ANYTHING to get ahead!

New Adult Furniture Review Edvard Taurion

[AF] Hot Press News Dispenser
Innovative and original product on promo price that will open brand new space and way to enjoy in your RP.

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