I wrote this and shelved it last year thinking no one would care, then I saw this yesterday:
THE PORNSTARS® from almost 9 years ago. the post is about 7,000 views of a movie on Naughty Machinima
So I guess some cared, at least back then.
I wrote this in hopes to inspire, not to toot my own horn.
So here it is:
Something happened today that made me look at the number of views I had on the movies I uploaded to www.xvideos.com .
According to their global statistics I have 68 videos uploaded there with a combination of over 4 million views.
11 videos with over 100,000 views
And my video; Legs Wide Spread Chapter 3 with the most views has over 1/4 of a million views.
I usually don't pay much attention to the number of view my movie gets after the 1st week. Be Careful What You Wish For... had right around 10,000 views it's first 5 days, on my blog, Naughty Machinima and 4 tube sites.
On my blog it has 252 views, which I see as views by you the people in SL porn. But the other 5 sites I see as those outside of Second Life viewing.
When a notice or link for a photo gets posted in the porn groups there is usually one or two that say "good job" and that photo could go on to get 2,000 views and 200 likes on Flickr.
When a notice or link for a movie gets posted in the porn groups there is usually nothing. As if someone brought up the weird family member no one wants to talk about at Thanksgiving. That movie could go on to get 252 views on a blog and a couple nice comments.
As a director that is very deflating, you put all that work into a movie to receive crickets when the notice is posted then look at the views you get on your blog and it makes you wonder why you even bothered.
BUT, if you put your movies on multiple sites where you can get over 10,000 views in less than a week, that is why you make them!!
Those 4 million views were just 1 site, I haven't checked the 4 other sites I upload to, but I think on
Naughty Machinima I have close to 3/4 million views on there.
My point is this:
To my fellow directors, it may look like we don't get many views form our fellow Second Lifians, but the number of view we get from those outside SL is incredible. 1 movie can have 250,000 views.
To the actors and actresses that play in these movies, most of us never imagine 1/4 of a million views.
Take pride in your work and enjoy it, people are watch!!
People outside of SL are watching!!
Showing posts with label Informative. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Informative. Show all posts
Sunday, March 3, 2019
Monday, December 19, 2016
My Christmas gift to You
How to be a SL Porn Star was all about being a porn star and I didn't say much about being a photographer or a director. I left that up to each individual to figure out on their own. But in "Chaingang Chat" this Saturday, one wrote, "When I get better (at photography) I'll ask people to pose for me." to that another wrote "Me too." and I wrote "Just do it."
Now I know that's easy for me to say I have been around forever and have tons of experience, so then I let out a little secret. "Don't listen to the voices in your head that says, "They are wondering if you know what you're doing." I wrote. To that no one responded, so I went on "I still hear that voice at every shoot I do!". To that most agreed that voice holds them back atleast some. I then wrote "But the voice that silents that voice is the one that says, "You won the award for Sexiest Best Director in 2015, your the best and they fucking know it!!!" Yes that's what straightens me out!!!
The point is most of use hear that voice of doubt, you need to tell yourself something to drive yourself forward and not give into that voice!! What does it know it's in your head, people aren't really telling you that. If no one wanted to model/pose for you then worry. The best way to get experience is to have people pose for you, not just shooting pictures of yourself sitting on a beach or wherever. Most times your model will give you positive feed back tell you they liked the pictures and thank you for doing them. It's a great feeling and much better than just taking pictures of yourself and it also helps to quiet that voice at least for a little while.
It's hard to be a porn star with longevity without creating, the ones you read the names of most usually aren't solely porn stars they are also bloggers, photographers or directors too. Many drift away from porn with their shattered dreams because the expected it to be easy. Like going to a store where the sales people work on commission, all eager to help because it's what puts food on their table. Like saying "I want to buy a car!" "I'm here to do Porn!". But we don't get paid, ok maybe once in a while someone will commission for some photos or a movie role but that doesn't happen much. Being a photographer or director cost money, props, animations, sets, editing software. sure most want to help but there is no capitalist reasons driving us.
So if you want to become a "superstar" or dethrone me you better hush those negative voices in your head and get to creating!!! Oh and another thing! I have never really considered myself a philanthropist (not a billionaire for one) but I have always had this desire, drive, need to put others in my productions. I mean I could very easily make movies where I was always the star instead of like my last production for example "Bad Santa Clause" Starring Vicki and Sil, not going to link it because this isn't about getting views (its the best movie ever). But I really like Vicki and only got her in one episode of Intergalactic SLUT, I would like to get her in more just don't know if that will happen. So even though I really like the role of a hot sexy misses Claus I never intended it for me. Sil did a super fantastic job in Legs Wide Spread and never got a sex scene and is fun to be around, so I finally got him that.
So, when you start creating please don't just greedily think about yourself, remember what it was like when you were starting out and frustrated cause no one want to use you. Perhaps the best feeling is sharing letting others enjoy being the focus and how excited they get.
Hey it's the holidays so Merry Christmas!!
Now I know that's easy for me to say I have been around forever and have tons of experience, so then I let out a little secret. "Don't listen to the voices in your head that says, "They are wondering if you know what you're doing." I wrote. To that no one responded, so I went on "I still hear that voice at every shoot I do!". To that most agreed that voice holds them back atleast some. I then wrote "But the voice that silents that voice is the one that says, "You won the award for Sexiest Best Director in 2015, your the best and they fucking know it!!!" Yes that's what straightens me out!!!
The point is most of use hear that voice of doubt, you need to tell yourself something to drive yourself forward and not give into that voice!! What does it know it's in your head, people aren't really telling you that. If no one wanted to model/pose for you then worry. The best way to get experience is to have people pose for you, not just shooting pictures of yourself sitting on a beach or wherever. Most times your model will give you positive feed back tell you they liked the pictures and thank you for doing them. It's a great feeling and much better than just taking pictures of yourself and it also helps to quiet that voice at least for a little while.
It's hard to be a porn star with longevity without creating, the ones you read the names of most usually aren't solely porn stars they are also bloggers, photographers or directors too. Many drift away from porn with their shattered dreams because the expected it to be easy. Like going to a store where the sales people work on commission, all eager to help because it's what puts food on their table. Like saying "I want to buy a car!" "I'm here to do Porn!". But we don't get paid, ok maybe once in a while someone will commission for some photos or a movie role but that doesn't happen much. Being a photographer or director cost money, props, animations, sets, editing software. sure most want to help but there is no capitalist reasons driving us.
So if you want to become a "superstar" or dethrone me you better hush those negative voices in your head and get to creating!!! Oh and another thing! I have never really considered myself a philanthropist (not a billionaire for one) but I have always had this desire, drive, need to put others in my productions. I mean I could very easily make movies where I was always the star instead of like my last production for example "Bad Santa Clause" Starring Vicki and Sil, not going to link it because this isn't about getting views (its the best movie ever). But I really like Vicki and only got her in one episode of Intergalactic SLUT, I would like to get her in more just don't know if that will happen. So even though I really like the role of a hot sexy misses Claus I never intended it for me. Sil did a super fantastic job in Legs Wide Spread and never got a sex scene and is fun to be around, so I finally got him that.
So, when you start creating please don't just greedily think about yourself, remember what it was like when you were starting out and frustrated cause no one want to use you. Perhaps the best feeling is sharing letting others enjoy being the focus and how excited they get.
Hey it's the holidays so Merry Christmas!!
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Where are the good Animations????
Why aren't they keeping up???
So I was looking at some pictures watching a few movies and do you know what I really look for???Some animations that I haven't seen before and isn't physically impossible to do in real life!!!
The problem is that most furniture makers don't make their own animations, they pay around 100k and put basically the same full perm sex engine in that everyone else does!!! There are like 3 or 4 major sex engine providers that copy each other and sell their sex engines to 90% of the furniture makers.
What I'm really talking about is this: Most of us in porn have spent a lot of Lins on making our avis look great!! Most of the furniture makers have switched to mesh made their products copy/mod so we can make adjustments as needed and they offer a wide variety of textures with low prims!! That's all fantastic our movies and photos look better for it, but when it comes to animations it's like they are stuck in 2010!!
We may as well be wearing face lights, have full bright in our flexi hair and wear jewelry and shoes that blink!! How hard it it to give us fluid movements instead of the clunky ones??? Has anyone made new animations in the last year???
Ok to give an example, in 2011 I blogged about how great it was that TNT was coming out with a new bed and a new sex engine TNT EXIMIUS V5.0 SEX ENGINE BED looking at the Market place today it looks like TNT is still using the Eximius V5.0 in there very newest bed TnT Palais Lovers Yours and Mine Mesh Bed Eximius Full Version 5.0 (searched for newest in their MP store). Sure this bed might have a few more poses, but it essentially still using the same poses from 2011 (Version 5.0) just put on a new mesh bed!!
Come on animators, catch up with the times and make some new and more fluid looking animations!!! I try to make movies that "WOW" people but other than how I film, camera angles and set design, you might as will watch a movie from 2010 and those stiff ass animations when it comes to the sex scenes!!!
Reminds me of Whirligig !!
Friday, November 28, 2014
3rd Photographic Contributor
Due to an ever changing world and seeing some good ideas by others, I
have decided it's time to add some photographic contributors to this
blog. I may post a set occasionally to this blog, but these
photographers are going to do the bulk of the pictorials (2 per month)
and I do not see that as self promotion at this time.
The third photographer I invited to this blog is Lexi Fizzle.
I have known Lexi for close to a year, in March she stared in.
Teacher’s Counseling, Bad School Girls (along with Ali)
She also played several characters in Legs Wide Spread with her biggest role being in Chapter 4
Lexi's Pictures are VERY colorful, like the tattoos on her skin!!
Lexi's Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/118555353@N07/
Her very first Pictorial for * SL Porn * Blog is here: Lunch date with Biarzenne
Why am I doing this? Well this is one of the most viewed SL blogs and with so many views it will hopefully help these photographers and models get exposure they may otherwise not get!!
If you would like to be considered for a photographic contributor position, send me a NC in-world, with your name on it and a link to your blog or flickr. I require 2 (six photo minimum) pictorials a month, you pick the theme and have artistic control. The photos will be exclusive to this blog for 1 week after that you can post them anywhere you want!

I have known Lexi for close to a year, in March she stared in.
Teacher’s Counseling, Bad School Girls (along with Ali)
She also played several characters in Legs Wide Spread with her biggest role being in Chapter 4
Lexi's Pictures are VERY colorful, like the tattoos on her skin!!
Lexi's Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/118555353@N07/
Her very first Pictorial for * SL Porn * Blog is here: Lunch date with Biarzenne
Why am I doing this? Well this is one of the most viewed SL blogs and with so many views it will hopefully help these photographers and models get exposure they may otherwise not get!!
If you would like to be considered for a photographic contributor position, send me a NC in-world, with your name on it and a link to your blog or flickr. I require 2 (six photo minimum) pictorials a month, you pick the theme and have artistic control. The photos will be exclusive to this blog for 1 week after that you can post them anywhere you want!
Monday, November 24, 2014
2nd Photographic Contributors
Due to an ever changing world and seeing some good ideas by others, I
have decided it's time to add some photographic contributors to this
blog. I may post a set occasionally to this blog, but these
photographers are going to do the bulk of the pictorials (2 per month)
and I do not see that as self promotion at this time.
The second photographer I invited to this blog is
Ali Lancrae
I have known Ali for close to a year, in March she stared in.
Teacher’s Counseling, Bad School Girls
She also played several characters in Legs Wide Spread and in 2015 will star in Legs Wide Spread Chapter 1.5
She has been a very busy photographer and does some of the best pictures, so before she became to famous I asked her to join the blog.
Ali's Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ali_lancrae
Her very first Pictorial for * SL Porn * Blog is here: Kali is Wet!
Why am I doing this? Well this is one of the most viewed SL blogs and with so many views it will hopefully help these photographers and models get exposure they may otherwise not get!!
If you would like to be considered for a photographic contributor position, send me a NC in-world, with your name on it and a link to your blog or flickr. I require 2 (six photo minimum) pictorials a month, you pick the theme and have artistic control. The photos will be exclusive to this blog for 1 week after that you can post them anywhere you want!

I have known Ali for close to a year, in March she stared in.
Teacher’s Counseling, Bad School Girls
She also played several characters in Legs Wide Spread and in 2015 will star in Legs Wide Spread Chapter 1.5
She has been a very busy photographer and does some of the best pictures, so before she became to famous I asked her to join the blog.
Ali's Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ali_lancrae
Her very first Pictorial for * SL Porn * Blog is here: Kali is Wet!
Why am I doing this? Well this is one of the most viewed SL blogs and with so many views it will hopefully help these photographers and models get exposure they may otherwise not get!!
If you would like to be considered for a photographic contributor position, send me a NC in-world, with your name on it and a link to your blog or flickr. I require 2 (six photo minimum) pictorials a month, you pick the theme and have artistic control. The photos will be exclusive to this blog for 1 week after that you can post them anywhere you want!
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Changes, to this Blog!!
We started this blog to be informative, unbias, and to showcase peoples work that might otherwise not get the attention it deserves. It can be a fine line between informative and self promotional, because of that I make a conscious effort NOT to always point the spot light at me and my fellow contributors of this blog, sometimes to the point that other blogs showcase us more then we do!!
Back back back back, in 2012 I and Lil would try and do 2 pictorials in our studio blog a week. Lil went away and my focus turned to movie making and fashion designing. Back then we posted the pictorials on the studio blog because we were the photographers and we didn't want to be seen as promoting ourselves on this blog.
Due to an ever changing world and seeing some good ideas by others, I have decided it's time to add some photographic contributors to this blog. I may post a set occasionally to this blog, but these photographers are going to do the bulk of the pictorials (2 per month) and I do not see that as self promotion at this time.
The first photographer I invited to this blog is Jamezz Doulton.
I have known Jamezz for several years and was last years Miss Emily's Studio, Golden Cock, Best Actor of the year winner for his work in the movies:
Tied Up, Route 69
SUCCUBUS, The Motion Picture
BAD School Girls, Principle Blackmail
Institute of Sexual Health, New Head Nurse
Jamezz has always been very professional and has a unique look to his photographs!
Jamezz Blog: JTD Productions
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/jtd_photos/
His very first Pictorial for * SL Porn * Blog is here: A good morning
Why am I doing this? Well this is one of the most viewed SL blogs and with so many views it will hopefully help these photographers and models get exposure they may otherwise not get!!
If you would like to be considered for a photographic contributor position, send me a NC in-world, with your name on it and a link to your blog or flickr. I require 2 (six photo minimum) pictorials a month, you pick the theme and have artistic control. The photos will be exclusive to this blog for 1 week after that you can post them anywhere you want!
Back back back back, in 2012 I and Lil would try and do 2 pictorials in our studio blog a week. Lil went away and my focus turned to movie making and fashion designing. Back then we posted the pictorials on the studio blog because we were the photographers and we didn't want to be seen as promoting ourselves on this blog.
Due to an ever changing world and seeing some good ideas by others, I have decided it's time to add some photographic contributors to this blog. I may post a set occasionally to this blog, but these photographers are going to do the bulk of the pictorials (2 per month) and I do not see that as self promotion at this time.

I have known Jamezz for several years and was last years Miss Emily's Studio, Golden Cock, Best Actor of the year winner for his work in the movies:
Tied Up, Route 69
SUCCUBUS, The Motion Picture
BAD School Girls, Principle Blackmail
Institute of Sexual Health, New Head Nurse
Jamezz has always been very professional and has a unique look to his photographs!
Jamezz Blog: JTD Productions
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/jtd_photos/
His very first Pictorial for * SL Porn * Blog is here: A good morning
Why am I doing this? Well this is one of the most viewed SL blogs and with so many views it will hopefully help these photographers and models get exposure they may otherwise not get!!
If you would like to be considered for a photographic contributor position, send me a NC in-world, with your name on it and a link to your blog or flickr. I require 2 (six photo minimum) pictorials a month, you pick the theme and have artistic control. The photos will be exclusive to this blog for 1 week after that you can post them anywhere you want!
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Porn Parties
What to know (especially if you haven't been to one)
Some of you might sit quietly watching the chats in the porn groups and others might be the type that think everyone wants to know every detail of there lives. In either case the best way to meet people is at parties and put the names you see in chat with faces, boobs, butts, cocks and pussy's.I have casted several movies at Hump-day parties, one reason I throw parties 1pm to 3pm slt is because that is also the best time to shoot, so I figure if you can make it to a party at that time, you can make it to a movie shoot at that time!!
At Saturday's party I TPed a woman in just before the scheduled end and when we still had 47 people at the beach. She was a little shocked by what she saw and I realized that what most of us see as "normal" and are completely use to, the newer people might see as a completely hedonistic and actually keep some away because they don't know what really to expect!!
So to make things clear, you don't have to do anything you are not comfortable with!!!
Here's what happens at parties!!
Most of us show up dresses for the occasion, whether on the beach or in the club, for me it's one of the few times a week I wear clothes (other then shopping). Parties are that chance to show off what you spend your lindens on and your style!!
So come dressed, check everyone out, chat with some people, flirt with some people, that kind of stuff!! About 1/2 way or an hour into the party most of use get naked!! As porn stars or prospective porn stars I would expect you to get naked in front of others, I mean porn is done nude, so don't be shy now!! You are marketing yourself and need to show "the goods"!!
Sex is very easy to find at these parties, I have seen some very unattractive people have sex at porn parties with people I would never expect!! So if you're looking for sex you really have no excuses for not getting it!! Some people find someone to have sex with while others just keep dancing like normal. Most all the furniture have sex menus and the parties are on adult sims, public sex is perfectly acceptable.
Remember: you don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with!! If you're undecided about doing porn and just want to observe that's fine!! If you have no desire to do porn and just want to see your favorite porn star "live" that is fine to, fans are welcome!! But parties are a great way to make friends, show off and get noticed !!!
These parties get crowded (40+) so please be conscious of the number of scripts you are wearing, and if you are wearing something high in scripts and not used, please remove it as a courtesy to everyone at the party.
*** WARNING: naughty pictures will be taken!!
Monday, May 12, 2014
www.slporntube.com is back!!!
After a month with no new uploads!!
[04:33 PM] Princess (jasmine.skyward): i finally got it all fixed[04:33 PM] Emily (missemily23): So I can upload?
[04:33 PM] Princess (jasmine.skyward): yes
[04:34 PM] Princess (jasmine.skyward): it should work
[04:34 PM] Emily (missemily23): Ok going to try :)
Well wasn't quite that smooth there was a few "It's not working" and "Try now" But Jasmine got it working again!!!
So get those movies you been wait to upload, loaded and lets get the wheels of movie making rolling again!!!
Oh and watch my newest movie: Sandy's Lesbian Anal Pool Party
Sandy is a dirty woman, she invites 3 of her
friends over for a pool party, gets them all naked and then watches them
lick each other! When they are finished she demands anal and gives each
a strap-on to take turns fucking her ass!! Finishing with sucking her
ass juices off the last dong!!!
Like OMG!!!
This movie is Filthy Good!!!
Starring: Sandy Miggins, Vixeee, Cherish & MissEmily
Monday, March 24, 2014
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Well this is interesting:
When going to: http://hoobshotties.blogspot.com/ I find this:Best of luck to everyone involved!!
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Patience in SL Porn is Golden!!!
It has been a while that I have contributed with an interesting blogpost for the SL Porn Industry here on the SL Porn blog. Today I wanted to post something about "Patience" that some newcomers getting into SL Porn seem to lack. Thinking they should get some sort of a special treatment cause they are interested in SL Porn. But totally not knowing anything how it all works for each and everyone.
The SL Porn Industry gets a new member or two on a daily basis. We provide the service to do Pornstar Interviews and with that, getting their name out for Photographers, Producers and Directors. When taking the time to look and read on this blog for the list of active Photographers and Directors, the sum can be quickly made that all these active talented people can't garantee, the 800+ members, all get a Photoshoot or a Movieshoot. It even took a few months for myself to break through, but I really did work hard on that to accomplish it all.
Now with that said, just applying at one Production Studio is not enough, make sure you apply with a few others. Many SL Porn Studio's that are very active are listed on the left as a blogroll. Look at their blogs and if it is interesting for you, contact the CEO of that Studio. Don't put your hopes on just one Studio to make you famous!!! But most importantly, be patient. A SL Porn Studio will get you in something sooner or later. But it is normal that there will be a waiting time when it comes to getting into a SL Porn Movie. Photoshoots are a much quicker chance. Cause there are just more Photographers then Directors in SL Porn.
Just don't forget that everyone also has a Real Life!!! A Real Life job or a household to take care of. We don't sit at our computer 24/7 for SL Porn.
Click "Read More" to read the rest of this blogpost!!!
The SL Porn Industry gets a new member or two on a daily basis. We provide the service to do Pornstar Interviews and with that, getting their name out for Photographers, Producers and Directors. When taking the time to look and read on this blog for the list of active Photographers and Directors, the sum can be quickly made that all these active talented people can't garantee, the 800+ members, all get a Photoshoot or a Movieshoot. It even took a few months for myself to break through, but I really did work hard on that to accomplish it all.
Now with that said, just applying at one Production Studio is not enough, make sure you apply with a few others. Many SL Porn Studio's that are very active are listed on the left as a blogroll. Look at their blogs and if it is interesting for you, contact the CEO of that Studio. Don't put your hopes on just one Studio to make you famous!!! But most importantly, be patient. A SL Porn Studio will get you in something sooner or later. But it is normal that there will be a waiting time when it comes to getting into a SL Porn Movie. Photoshoots are a much quicker chance. Cause there are just more Photographers then Directors in SL Porn.
Just don't forget that everyone also has a Real Life!!! A Real Life job or a household to take care of. We don't sit at our computer 24/7 for SL Porn.
Click "Read More" to read the rest of this blogpost!!!
Thursday, January 30, 2014
2 Years of Blogging
January 30, 2012
We started with this post two years ago today!!!! * SL PORN * Group Rules
This blog was started to help and showcase the people that had little chance of being shown in the other big blog.
How to be a SL Porn Star (the most viewed section of the blog), 17 steps to help you with the goal of being a SL porn star
Interview Auditions
, Started on March 1st 2012, as a way to introduce the newcomers to the
SL Porn community as well as more experienced to directors and
photographers. So far 403 interviews have be done and posted.
DIRECTORS , A directory
of the directors in * SL Porn * group, a way to check if someone really
is a director or just a pretender with other things in mind. Complete
with links to there work.
, A directory
of the photographers in * SL Porn * group, a way to check if someone really
is a photographer or just a pretender with other things in mind. Complete
with links to there work.
PARTIES, We hold 2 of the best parties in second life, one is held on Wednesday, the other on Saturday, both at the same time:1pm to 3pm slt.
For 7 months we attended, took pictures and schedule a weekend party at
various locations without missing a weekend. I gave up the Saturday parties 15 months ago and when I seen they were inconstantly being throw I stepped in and started throwing them again 9 months ago, this time at 1 location and with 2 alternating DJ's. Holding the parties at different locals was difficult for me and confusing for those that attended.
~Notice SpotLight~, Taking a closer look at the works of the photographers in * SL Porn * group that have posted notices and links to there work.
Must Buy of the Week, Apparel, animations and props that are just to good to pass up.
In addition to that we have done Informative , Second Life Information , SL Photography , SL Pictures , post to try to be helpful without lecturing "Do it like this!"
Also our blog role includes just about every SL Porn blog we know of, without being bias and leaving out some blogs. Also have a listing of New releases (movies) from the 2 Machinima sites, a link to SL Search, a link to the Marketplace and a link to Second Life.com that will show you your dashboard information.
So here it is 2 Years, 1582+ Post & 203,810 + Views later.
Much has changed in that time...... mostly for the better!!
One change I look forward to is the addition of Erin Cedarbridge as contributor she should give some good insights & contributions, as well as taking some of my work load!!
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
A Cute Azz Comparison
Cute Azz vs. Regular Linden body
At the Saturday party I, Erin and Zoey talked about the new Cute Azz, they both have them and I did't. I really couldn't see much of a difference, But when Erin came in for an interview... this pose is one I try to avoid with the regular Linden (Second Life) body, so as we posed for it I had her do it with and without the Cute Azz, and here is the comparison.![]() |
Linden Body |
![]() |
Cute Azz |
![]() |
Linden body |
![]() |
Cute Azz |
When they came out with the Phat Azz I hated it!!! I'm one of those girls that ask "Does this make my ass look big", the last thing I would want is a Phat Azz. The Cute Azz as I have seen on Zoey, Erin and now me looks fantastic!!!
It's been less then a day that I have had it so I'm no expert on it yet but within 30 minutes of having it I had made appliers for my pants and one for my tramp stamp tattoo!! One great thing I have found, was I went to do an interview and one click of the hud and my lower body was nude, and instantly, not like you have to wait for your body to rerezz you naked.
Last year almost to the day I did a major make over to keep my avi current, This month of January I have done it again, I firmly believe that as porn stars we totally have to keep our "look" current, If you're still wearing flex hair toss it that was so 2 years ago (almost).
Those that see me weekly I'm sure have noticed the new me, but for everyone else the official unveiling will come in February, I am still making minor adjustment. We as porn stars need to keep ourselfs up to date, I can't tell you how many times in public place I see good looking Avis with flex hair still (total turn off).
I'm going to start making my clothing using the Cute Azz applier, which I have been told also works on the Phat Azz, this is all about keeping up with trends and not being left behind (notice how I slide the word "behind" in a post about asses),
The Azz it's self cost me L$1,200 and then I went to Belleza (my skin creator) and bought the Azz skin applier to make the Azz match my body skin as perfectly as I could get, that cost me an additional L$199. So I spent L$1,399 in total, if you don't have the $L to buy the Azz don't stress out the changes are some what unnoticeable, but if you do have the $L to buy it go right ahead.
I as a porn star try to keep my avi current and it's important to feel good about my avis "Look", so the Cute Azz might not drastically change your avi, but for me I'm very happy and excited to show off my avis new (even more fuckable) look!!
Saturday, December 7, 2013
No Party Today
Thursday evening when I logged in I get a notice from Beach Front Riperoffers that they are going out of business effective immediately and not to pay them anymore rent (which sounds ominous) but say we have til the end of the month to find a new sim. Well also when I logged in I got the little thing that redirected me to a some other region say they can't put me on the sim cause it's like GONE!!
On Friday morning I did a Google search and found this forum thread which goes to great length discussing the subject: http://www.sluniverse.com/php/vb/general-sl-discussion/90214-beach-front-realty-closed-lost.html
With the the region still offline I followed the directions of contacting LL to get the sim put back online so we could retrieve our property.
This was LL's reply:
Hello MissEmily23 Resident,
It appears that Wolfes Pond Beach has been taken offline intentionally, and at this time, there are no indications of plans to reactivate it. Unfortunately we cannot give out any information as to the reasons for the region being taken down; you should contact the region owner for details, and to verify if the region will be closed temporarily or permanently. The region has been reactivated until tomorrow to allow you to reclaim your objects.
We have retrieved our objects and are now looking at potential parcels of land to rent that both fit our needs and have a reliable land owner. Therefor we regrettably will cancel the weekly * SL PORN * party. It really ticks me off because we spent time decorating for Christmas and giving the club a different holiday look. Went we find the proper parcel to rent we will and restore the club for the winter season and by February have the beach below in order.
Now about Beach Front Ripperoffers; as some of you may remember 1st of September we moved to Wolfes Pond Beach so that BFR could consolidate lesser used regions and return some to LL to save cost. The 1st of December I paid my monthly tier for that sim, I have to believe they knew at that time the events that were about to unfold. Not only that I believe they took my teir payment and everyone elses, pocketed it and just waited for LL to pull the plug on all the regions leaving ALL their renters with sims that were offline.
At that point they sent out this notice, hopping they could quickly get away before everyone realize they did not have to the end of the month and that EVERYTHING was now offline:
Dear Beach Front Residents:
The company of Beach Front Realty will regrettably be closing its doors effective immediately.
Tiers will not be excepted on behalf of the owners at BF. All tenants will have a until the end of December to relocate to a different company.
For your convenience, we have located a reputable company that are willing to take our residents with a warm welcome. This company has been in
business since 2007 and we assure you that you will be pleased with the new owners of the Estates.
The Estate name is called: Tribe Estates
The owners are as follows:
Alexxa Despres
Driftwood Miles
Please contact them as they are aware of the transition.
On behalf of Kandee and Breeze we want to take this chance to thank each and every one for the loyalty you have provided throughout the years. And would like
To wish you all a Happy Holiday Season.
I see this as a complete con, case of fraud and a criminal act!! Thankfully I am only out about 5,000L of lost tier and have to rebuilt, I'm sure many lost more than I did.
We will return, and hopefully with better landlords.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Lolas Tango - Tune Up Script!!!
Hello Pornstars,
a week ago or so I was doing my browsing on the MarketPlace and I have found something amazing for those that use the Lolas Tango Mesh Breast. As we all know, it is pretty high on scriptcounts when having other items attached and more and more places that can get crowded want the script count as low as possible. With this script, you can reduce the Tango script count from 23 to just 2!!! Yes, just 2 and it keeps having all the functionality from the Lolas Tango intact. Infact, it gives some more features that Lolas Tango doesn't have.
Marketplace Link: Click here to visit the MarketPlace shop!!!
[IM] Script Improvements, (creator: Ion Munro), has made this script that is easy to use to accomplish the scripts reduction from 23 to just 2. I truely think she did an amazing job on this and I am very happy to have found this. I tried it and it did work for me. (Just make sure, you do not have any other scripts inside of your Lolas Tango or it won't work. I had the bouncy script from Que Bella still inside, so any other scripts you have added, need to be taken out first before you plan to do what the creator has written in the manual notecard!!)
The other neat option is that it will remember your nipple setting, so it will appear automatically when taking your top off. (No longer the need to also go into the nipples menu of the tango's to select one of the three nipple options).
For the sales price, I think it is not expensive and it is a fair price. I believe that it was a pretty hard task to accomplish it and it is well worth the spending in my opinion. Rests me to say, thank you to the creator for making this script and I hope you all have more fun keeping the tango's on while going to a sim that wants you to reduce scriptcounts. And no more the need, to delete scripts having to make sure you keep an original copy.
Wishing you all a fantastic weekend!!!
And see you all ofcourse tomorrow at the weekly Porn*Stars Beach Party.
Zoey Winsmore.
a week ago or so I was doing my browsing on the MarketPlace and I have found something amazing for those that use the Lolas Tango Mesh Breast. As we all know, it is pretty high on scriptcounts when having other items attached and more and more places that can get crowded want the script count as low as possible. With this script, you can reduce the Tango script count from 23 to just 2!!! Yes, just 2 and it keeps having all the functionality from the Lolas Tango intact. Infact, it gives some more features that Lolas Tango doesn't have.
Marketplace Link: Click here to visit the MarketPlace shop!!!
[IM] Script Improvements, (creator: Ion Munro), has made this script that is easy to use to accomplish the scripts reduction from 23 to just 2. I truely think she did an amazing job on this and I am very happy to have found this. I tried it and it did work for me. (Just make sure, you do not have any other scripts inside of your Lolas Tango or it won't work. I had the bouncy script from Que Bella still inside, so any other scripts you have added, need to be taken out first before you plan to do what the creator has written in the manual notecard!!)
The other neat option is that it will remember your nipple setting, so it will appear automatically when taking your top off. (No longer the need to also go into the nipples menu of the tango's to select one of the three nipple options).
For the sales price, I think it is not expensive and it is a fair price. I believe that it was a pretty hard task to accomplish it and it is well worth the spending in my opinion. Rests me to say, thank you to the creator for making this script and I hope you all have more fun keeping the tango's on while going to a sim that wants you to reduce scriptcounts. And no more the need, to delete scripts having to make sure you keep an original copy.
Wishing you all a fantastic weekend!!!
And see you all ofcourse tomorrow at the weekly Porn*Stars Beach Party.
Zoey Winsmore.
Lolas Tango,
Must Buy of the Week
Monday, July 8, 2013
Time for a new Header picture
One that was taken in Second Life instead of real life, hott, and still a little anonymous and not scream, "HEY LOOK AT ME"!! Yes I'm in the picture but in a short time people will forget it's even me.
This blog isn't for me and my friends so hog the spotlight (I have my own blog for that) this is for the Second Life Adult Community.
This blog isn't for me and my friends so hog the spotlight (I have my own blog for that) this is for the Second Life Adult Community.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Movie Making
I posted this 6 months ago to the day, time to bring it back.I'm currently editing my 73rd movie production, which is the 78th movie I have been in, so I do know a little something about making movies on SL.
Now I could probably write chapters on "How to make movies on SL" Just like I did in "How to be a SL Porn Star" If people really think I need to write chapters I may consider it. But I feel that movies are an art left up to the individual and their taste with really no right or wrong way of making them.
But some things have happened and I'm compelled to say something and do a little teaching so here goes. One of my main statements in "How to be a SL Porn Star" is Make your own porn Problem is there are people making movies that have no idea what they are doing and I feel somewhat responsible because the two that stand out in my mind I personally told to make their own porn.
Now when I decided to make my first movie I did something called "research" and this is one page I read more than once: Machinima . The thing that erks me the most is that the 2 that I am really writing this about obviously did no research. You would think if they had the drive to make movies they would also have the drive to learn something before doing it, but I guess not.
So for me the first question was: How do I film off my screen? Well obviously they figured that out or I couldn't of seen there movies so I'm not talking about that.
The second questions was: How do I get all this stuff of my screen so I just show the movie and not my huds, chat windows and all the other buttons. I mean to me this was really important, because all the "good" movies I had seen didn't have that stuff on the screen. But the 2 I have in mind apparently didn't think that important.
It's called UI (user interface) and it's very simple to toggle on and off with these hotkeys CTRL+ALT+F1. To remove your HUDs hotkeys SHIFT+ALT+H.
Now I'm sure these 2 geniuses don't read this blog, but I'm sure many of you have stumbled on their movies and thought like I did "Worst movie ever". So if you every decide you want to make your own movies, now you know how to at least clear the screen, and why the director can't see chat while filming.
It's called UI (user interface) and it's very simple to toggle on and off with these hotkeys CTRL+ALT+F1. To remove your HUDs hotkeys SHIFT+ALT+H.
Now I'm sure these 2 geniuses don't read this blog, but I'm sure many of you have stumbled on their movies and thought like I did "Worst movie ever". So if you every decide you want to make your own movies, now you know how to at least clear the screen, and why the director can't see chat while filming.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
New Virtual Videos Blog
Buffy (Jasmine as I have known her for years) showed me this new blog yesterday, she has been working on it for a while.Jasmine Skyward: "I just want all the best vids from http://www.slporntube.com/ in one spot for people to see."
I am very honored to have 2 vidoes already listed there Fuck My Husband & Sausage Pizza released just yesterday.
This looks to be a fantastic way for directors to get spotlighted as some of the best of SL Porn. So whether you want to see Buffy's best video picks or are an aspiring actress or actor looking to see who the talented directors are to work with this is a great site to visit.
It does seem like a daunting task sorting through the 1888 videos already posted on http://www.slporntube.com/ and if someone with some blogging experience would like to help her they should get a hold of her.
I have added it to the blog role on the left hand side so it should be easy to find in the future.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
A look at the studios of Miss Emily's Studios & Naughty Pixel Productions, both homed on the sim MiaBell called ..::PornLand::..
Click "Read more" to see the movie sets
It’s been 5 weeks since we rented the estate sim at MiaBell
and this week I finally finished the basic landscaping. During those 5 weeks we
moved our studios Miss Emily’s Studio & Naughty Pixel Productions and
office from the land at Pili Lani and set up our shops Porn*Star Fashions &
Naughty Pixel Fashions there at the club. In moving to MiaBell new sets were
built and old ones put back up. So this is a little tour of the studios.
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MiaBell |
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The whole island, primitive landscape until something more detailed is needed for a shoot. |
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Our shared office, open to the public. Was also used in the shooting of: Fuck My Husband |
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The island is set up with a large hill in the center to conceal the office from the rest of the island |
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Tried to make separate areas so that multiple shoots can be set up but not be seen from the other side |
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Separate so primitive deserted island shoots can be done and on the other side something not so primative can be done. |
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A lagoon for boats or water advantures |
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Girl in the Ad
Stacie Jaxxx
Ever wonder who the cute blonde in the ads on the side bar at http://www.slporntube.com/ is??? Well I stumbled on this video of her that is used for the ad and thought I would share.
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