SL-Porn Interview: #426
Interview Date: 21st March 2014
Name: Glenda Wood ( gangmoll.resident )
SecondLife Birthdate: 15th March 2014
Country / Timezone: Northern Europe ( GMT +2 - SLT +10 )
Sexual orientation: Bisexual.
Preference: Well I'd say my order of preference is men, shemales and women.
SL Porn Experience: Actually this is my first experience with SL porn.
Won't do / Limits: Tough one .... Well apart from breaking Linden ToS I'm willing to try everything, as a matter of fact I'm going to try everything.
Would you have sex with a director: Ofcourse I would.
Fantasy SL Porn Scene: Me in a club having to service every person inside... And by servicing I don't mean serve them drinks.
Favorite Sex acts: Tough choice.... I'd say anything as long as it is with more than one partner.
What made you decide getting into SL Porn: I guess I'm a sex addict trying to turn my addiction into a job.