Saturday, October 17, 2020

Notices, October 16th

Do you like what you see? Cream Release
Watching a movie in the home theatre, clearly designed by someone not thinking in their pants, you turn your head and see... this.

The question is never asked aloud, but the air hangs heavy waiting for an answer.

Right then, Bart says, "Excuse me while I whip this out."

New Adult Furniture Review ; edvard Taurion 
Debauchery Swingers Tropical Bed v8.8
Detailed build and hard wood frame, with smooth running menu for 2020 updated in September and much more! Read all about it on:

Women's women ; RachelChristine Avro
An immoral story of love starved women. Their insatiable desires and the forbidden passion of pure sex

The passing of summer ; Parthenea 
Päivätär, the goddess of summer, took one last look around to see that the trees were responding to the siren of Louhi, the goddess of fall.  She new her time was ended and that she must move on.  But it was hard not to linger and to revel in the sheer beauty of this time.

Spread Those Legs ; Jeffcosgrove
Spread Those Legs featuring Tina Delicious

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