Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Notices, January 14th

2018 - My Top Ten Chosen by You ; Aria Horan
Here in one handy location are the top ten photos of mine that you faved in 2018. Thank you so much for the love xoxox

Today's Tips and Trick by Stacey ; babygirllucci
Ever wonder what the dress someone is wearing cause the inspect command wont work on it. Or did you just wanna know what someone's dance hud is called. Ever had someone be really shitty with you when you ask them where they got their outfit from. Well if you use firestorm... your answers are here in today's tip.


Hope you enjoy it,
Stacey Lucciano

Foxhunt ; Daimaju Clowes
Darn lil fox stole the last chick from my farm...so i took action....and my trusty sidearm....and into the forest chasing that little sly beast out of her foxhole...and punished her having her "foxhole"....she struggled at first but then gave in...promising to be a good girl from now on.


Thank you Sammi being my naughty lil fox for this!
Daimaju Clowes

H.A.M. - The splits ; babygirllucci
Can you handle this ride? I'll leave it at that....

Photo, Poses, and modeling done by Stacey Lucciano (babygirllucci)


Hope you enjoy it,
Stacey Lucciano

Queen Hecate ; RachealChristine Avro
The Queen of the night  naked looking at and commanding the Moon . She wanders into the night so be cautious she could grant you untold wealth or be your worse nightmare

This is seen in the gallery at gemini
Harvest Moon (140,135,32)


Lust... ; Solidx

Bedside Manner ; Aria Horan
My contribution to the day of gleeful glutes

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