Monday, April 9, 2018

Notices, April 8

Tonight's The Night Stacia Reinoir

We're premiering the latest video from Naughty Pixel Productions, The Pre-Nup at the Z&A Coffeehouse, Your intrepid DJ Stacia is one of the member of the video's ensemble, and I'll be playing a slow and scratchy mix of electronica to get you going. We'll provide ways to watch the movie, and cast members are scheduled to appear. The party continues at 7pm SLT.

Double Naughty Sundae... Zoey Winsmore

Come to the Z&A Coffeehouse tonight at 6pm SLT for the premiere party for the latest Naughty Pixel Productions video, The Pre-Nup.
DJ Zoey, (director) of the video will be playing EDM mixes at 6pm. At 7pm, DJ Stacia (cast member), will take to the stream with a sexy mix of music  the rest of the party.
Cast members are schedule to appear, and we will be making links to the movie available for viewing during the party. Come enjoy the music, or check out the movie. This will be an

Hottie Tori Ali Lancrae

Please welcome our newest Hoobs Hottie..
Tory Grace!
♥  -Ali

Todays Featured Model Midnight Shinja

Some pretty cool new adds to the Asuka Yoshida Collection
Dj Trinite Live at the Gallery at 4pm followed by Bono Fourox live on guitar at 7pm ! All Welcome!

Sunset Delivery Ilhotfella69

Model: Darkangel O'Leary

Sliding in amongst the afternoon shadows

Thanks Angel!

~ My up n Down ~ Nickixsantos

By Goo ♥

Lost Angel Stacymosely

From the heavens she called home,
the winged-she descended her realm.
She saw blood, bones and skin;
fell in love, forgetting he was without wings.
But he loved her not and of water he'll stay.

Lubricious Aria Horan

1 : marked by wantonness : lecherous; also : salacious

2 :[Latin lubricus] having a smooth or slippery quality

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