Monday, August 28, 2017

Notices, August 27

BEWARE Elenamicheals Core

If you see you are being followed by a Divit Model be careful, this is a russian escort service, last time they followed me I got unwanted followers that were not nice as they had tagged me to the picture. If you get them following you, check you havent been tagged then probably a good idea to block.
Love Rachel Swallows XXX

New Adult Furniture Review Edvard Taurion

DO Roman Style Bath
Unbelievable quality for the price! whole set not just one item, big menus in multiple objects and much much more. Read all about it on:

HAM - Wide Open Road Aria Horan

Male needed for movie shoot Missemily23

I need a man for 2 shoots one Monday night 11pm to 1am slt and Tuesday night the same time.

Man will be a secret service agent, clean cut, black suit, sun glasses and a gun. the shoot he rides in the limo and holds a gun on someone.

That's it, boring I know, but if he can handle the job, it gives him a golden ticket to be the lead in one of my up coming 2017 movies, with plenty of sex.

Send me a NC, cause my IM's get capped if I'm gone very long.

June's Princess of Porn Missemily23

Our 9th Princess of Porn!!!
She is now a finalist in the King & Queen of Porn Pageant
Photos by: Racheal Rexen

Still time to vote for this months contestants!!!!

Foot Play Curt Dovgal

Something very sexy about cumming on a girl's toes and feet don't ya think?

Model: LіҬѦ

HAM: Waiting for doors to open Eonya

I kind of like shots with a little tension, so here I am, propped up on my bed, waiting to see who steps into the bedroom. Will it be you?

Happy Ass Monday!


Her Eyes or Her Heart Rachelchristine Avro

While see never felt quite normal, she was no where near crazy.he just loved to much. Choosing to see the world through her heart instead of her eyes

I'm in love with the Shape of You Scottr07

I'm in love with the shape of you
We push and pull like a magnet do
Although my heart is falling too
I'm in love with your body
Last night you were in my room
And now my bedsheets smell like you
Every day discovering something brand new
I'm in love with you


Trust Me...  Love Me...  Fuck Me!!! Zoey Winsmore

As the title already says...  No need to think up for a story.


Todays Studio Picks Midnight Shinja

Todays uploads .. Enjoy !

LOOKING FOR BOND Elenamicheals Core

This lovely Bikini that I got at Uber inspired me to do a Bond homage.
Love and Licks Rachel Swallows Maurer XXXXX

The sun shines bright.... Niki Oh I'll just shade my eyes :)

SCOTTY GOT ROAD Elenamicheals Core

2nd pic of my shoot with Scotty who won The Topless Tuesday raffle for a shoot with yours, truly. Looks like he's enjoying his winnings so far huh?
Love and Licks Rachel Swallows Maurer XXXX

The MDM with a MDW Alexandria Topaz

Have a Look

A. Topaz

Spread the love Jacky Mindes

This Highway's Mine Aria Horan

There is nothing like something big, hot and throbbing between your thighs.

Aphrodisiac.... Solidx

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