Saturday, August 6, 2016

Notices, August 5

PNC-B&W Alexandria Topaz

Photo Courtesy of The Talented Brad Luzt

A. Topaz

July 30th *SL PORN* Saturday Beach Party2 Missemily23

The party of the week at the World Famous Porn*Stars Beach!!
If you were there, you might be in these pictures. If you couldn't make it, you should see what you missed!!
DJ Zoey  played wonderfully!
Pictures by Racheal Rexen!

Next Party: The biggest party of the week! Saturday, August 6th at the World Famous Porn Stars Beach

Lulu Missemily23

Pretty nasty (she works in a brothel)
Interview & Naughty pictures

If you would like an interview, IM Zoey Winsmore or me to schedule one!!

New Adult Furniture Review Edvard Taurion

Angelic Royal Naughty Vanity
Stylish and luxurious, with many customizing options and great adult menu. Read all about it on:

Attention is here! Athenaisc

The owners and staff of Attention Magazine our proud to announce the release of our Aug 2016 issue!

Also available at kiosks around SecondLife. Be sure to send us your feedback.


Athena, Jon, Rache & the Staff of Attention

Girlfriends 3 Isabelle Cheviot

I had debuted this at an event at the Mirage Gallery but figured it was time to release it to a wider audience.  This is the third in the series and as with the others, it was super hot to create!  Thanks to NP Milneaux and Faith Darrow for their participation and patience!

WOOT BACK TO BLOGGING!!!!! Deka Teardrop

 I'm reposting the first video ever made by my sexy hubby Ryu & the first film of Dirty Girl Dreamz Productions which has been around awhile just hiding :P ANYWAYS NM sucks for the awesome quality of Ryu's Video so I reposted on Vimeo & blogged it so go look trust me you won't be disappointed :)
Your Dirty Little Girl
Moonie ♥

July 30th *SL Porn* Saturday Beach Party Missemily23

The party of the week at the World Famous Porn*Stars Beach!!
This week's sponsor was MP Noir!!
He donated (2) MP Noir store gift cards worth L$1,000 each!!
Be sure to check out MP Designs Marketplace and In-World Store!!
If you were there, you might be in these pictures. If you couldn't make it, you should see what you missed!!
DJ Zoey  played wonderfully!
Pictures by Racheal R

More Black &White Art MissEmily23

For Black & White week!!!!
Put some lotion on me?

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