Saturday, September 22, 2012

SL Porn Tube Uploads

Video uploads
Ok this completely slipped my mind this week.
Jasmine (Skyward) asked me last Saturday to make a post reminding everyone what format is accepted for SL Porn Tube. I guess people were trying to upload movies and it wasn't working because of the format the movie was saved in.

She doesn't want people discouraged and giving up simply because the video wasn't save in the proper format. There are many options for saving video so it's not hard, if you know what format is required to save to the right one.

So I asked her, what format works, and her reply was basically whatever format I'm using.
I don't really know the technical specifics of all this.

So here is the format I save as:
I am using: Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD 11
I save as, MainConcept AVC/AAC (*.mp4); Sony Tablet 720p
From there I use my Encoder and save as: High Quality (Same Size with Source)

I think the key here is saving as MP4 and then Encoding.
Encoding reduces the file size by about 66%.
Now off of: I see these bits:

**We don't take .mov files**
.MP4, mpg, .WMV, .FLV are accepted

So I would say those are your options, rather then trying to do it exactly the way I do.

Also on the site it has information : How to upload a profile picture, How to upload your vide.
So I highly suggest you go to this link (especially if your having problems) and familiarize yourself with the guidelines of how the site works.

1 comment:

  1. Okey I have a problem I don't know who or where to tell it to I tried the group but didn't get any answer. I am using windows movie maker and have been unloading and it has been working just fine except now I can't download anything! I have been trying over and over but it just not working. Please can someone just get back in contact with me I am useding the .WMV file for the video
