Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Notices, October 15th

Vikings ; Tatiana Easterwood


Sunning at my Koi House; Parthenea
Just a moment of leisurely time doing nothing at all.


The Padded Cell ; Damien Godard
Starring:  Jasmine


Damien Godard

Happy Ass Monday ; Rssen
Happy ass Monday!

 That fabric is so thin it is basically see through!


Early Morning Ham ; Willow Ishmene

Submission #1 ; Triciad317
Ali told me she wanted to go out and have a good time. It would seem her idea of a good time and mine were different. I decided to show her mine. She resisted at first, but I quickly put her in her place. After seeing she was ready to submit, I was ready to proceed.


ham with a side of extra monday ; Stacia Reinoir
it is time again to celebrate that mondayest of holidays, so happy ass monday to you and yours!


Hello, my old friend ; Faith Darrow

A piano interlude ; Parthenea
We were all listening to a little Chopin to help us relax for the evening to come!


Monday, October 15, 2018

The Kitchen

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Notices, October 14th

Witch's Curse ; Triciad317
I cast a spell on you!

Happy Halloween!


╔══════✩ Hotties 80's Party ✩═══════════▫
╫◈   ահօ :    ✭ DJ TRU ✭
╫◈   ահɑէ :  Hotties and Hot Tunes Poolside!
╫◈   ահҽղ : Tonight, 5-7PM SLT
╫◈   ահҽre: New Location at Erotic Events!
╫◈   host  :   ✭ Ali ✭
╫◈   Sploder Winners Strip - House Rules!

reading ; Stacia Reinoir
for some reason people like pictures of naked women reading...


***Note: If you have "Disabled Downloading" of your photos on your flickr, we will respect your privacy and not post them here. If you wish to see them here turn that off.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Notices, October 13th

Naughty Pixel Productions - Movie Release:  Orgasmic Yoga!!! ; Zoey Winsmore
New  Naughty Pixel Productions  Movie Release:  Orgasmic Yoga!!!
• Meditation...    • Masturbation...    • And everything in-between...
Starring - Producer: Stacia Reinoir.     Directed by: Zoey Winsmore.

The premiere is at Gemini Gallery tonight, but if can't make it... The link to the movie is included. Enjoy watching!!!  Purrrs ^..^

Daddy's Love ; Deka Teardrop
When it's Perfect you just know ♥ hope you like :)

kisses, licks, Sucks & Fucks
Your Dirty Little Girl
Moonie ♥


New Adult Furniture Review ; edvard Taurion
Sex Couch Corner White SM 2/3/4 some Bdsm 1160 +anim  XPOSE_76A
With new menu for 2019. in 3 different menu versions and much more! Read all about it on:

Nothing satisfies me but your soul ; Faith Darrow

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Notices, October 12th

Close Up ; MissEmily23
Emily, nude on the beach!!
Can someone rub some oil on me???

Desert Pickup #5 ; Triciad317
Tricia knew Queenie was satisfied, when she lifted her to her feet and shared a deep kiss. After fueling up the car, they decided to stay the night together at the motel across the street. How they spent the night remains a secret between them, but they have spent a lot of time together ever since. Also, Tricia has officially broken up with her boyfriend and moved in with Queenie.


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Friday, October 12, 2018

Notices, October 11th

If my answer is 'Yes', then what will be your question?  ; x0x0xo

I hope you enjoy it...  have a lovely Friday,

💋 💋 💋


HOTTIES AFTER HOURS  10-11-18 ; Ali Lancrae
Lookie Lookie Wanna See?
♥  -Ali

A Wolf Joins the Fun ; Willow Ishmene

Desert Pickup #4 ; Triciad317
Things escalated quickly, and they found themselves in the throes of unbridled passion, removing each other's clothing and exploring each other's bodies in the open desert air. Completely naked, Tricia lowered herself to thank Queenie in the best way possible, licking her pussy while fingering herself. Queenie's screams as she came on Tricia's face pleased both of them.


***Note: If you have "Disabled Downloading" of your photos on your flickr, we will respect your privacy and not post them here. If you wish to see them here turn that off.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Notices, October 10th

Even the dead like to watch ; Faith Darrow

Men In Black Part III:  Inspection ; JeffCosgrove
The inspection, featuring the sultry Racheal Rexen.

Desert Pickup #3 ; Triciad317
Queenie accepted Tricia's appreciation and encouraged her to continue when she turned around and unlaced her top, letting it fall to the ground. Since the streets were deserted, Tricia took advantage of the moment and indulged herself on Queenie's ample breasts, giving them the attention they craved.


Think Pink, Think Tits ; Aria Horan
Tytus is doing photos in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so I was more than happy to pose for him and put the girls on display. See the results here:  https://www.flickr.com/photos/143813434@N04/albums/72157672196371357
Please contact Tytus directly if you would like to participate.

1/2 way means,  Naked time!!! ;  MissEmily23
Still time to come and have fun!!

Dirty Little Girl DJ Moonie (Deka Teardrop) will be playing the music.
Emily will host the event.

Smooching Serpents is back as our sponsor again this week and 3 people will win a gift card worth between L$1000 and L$250. The raffle is free, you just need to enter!!!

Cum get naked with us & more!!!

October 3rd, Hump Day Party  ; MissEmily23
If you were at this weeks party, you might be in these pictures.
If you couldn't make it you should see what you missed!!
DJ Zoey Winsmore did a fantastic job!!

Last weeks sponsor was ::WS:: Creations , they donated 3 gift cards!!

Next Party: Hump-day Party; Wednesday October 10th at Porn✰Stars Sex Club 1pm to 3pm slt Dirty Little Girl DJ Moonie (Deka Teardrop) will be playing the music!!

New Adult Furniture Review ; edvard Taurion
Sex Bed White Angel SM 2/3/4 some Bdsm 1160 +anim  XPOSE_76A
New release from legendary Windmaster Production Store, available in four different menu versions so it can fit you pocket and RP style just perfectly! Read all about it on:

when i think about you ; Stacia Reinoir
i close my eyes and see you before me
think I would die if you were to ignore me
a fool could see just how much I adore you
i'd get down on my knees, I'd do anything for you


Humping the Pole ; Triciad317
Something tells me she's liking the pole more than she should.


For The Love of BOOBIES ; Deka Teardrop
Just Daddy and I having a little fun :) more to come ;p
hope you enjoy them :)
kisses, licks, sucks & fucks
Your Dirty Little Girl
Moonie ♥


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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Notices, October 9th

Caught In The Rain ; Debi whitield
Happy TT everyone - Enjoy!

Photo by Midnight Shinja
Model - Debi Whitfield

Desert Pickup #2 ; Triciad317
They stopped at a little town for gas. The woman, whose name was Queenie, had even bought dinner for her passenger. Tricia wanted to pay her back for her generosity. But considering her purse was still in her now ex-boyfriend's car, she had no way of doing so with money. She decided to do so the only way she knew how and made her move when Queenie went to pump the gas.


New Adult Furniture Review ; edvard Taurion
[Ds] Vespera Throne - Adult Kink/Vampire v1.0
New release from Dictatorshop, addition to Vespera series or great self standing item, with texture changer, available in 3 different menu versions and much more! Read all about it on:

Raspberry Beret ; Triciad317
"She wore a raspberry beret,
the kind you find at a second hand store.
Raspberry beret,
If it was warm, she wouldn't wear much more.
Raspberry beret,
I think I love her."
--"Raspberry Beret", Prince


Topless Tuesday - Just my imagination  ; Aria Horarn

come on in we're having a ball ; Faith Darrow

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Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Monday, October 8, 2018

Notices, October 7th

Visions... ; Damien Godard
Starring: Violetta


As seen in Attention Magazine
Get your copy here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Attention-Magazine-October-2018-vol-10/15702248?id=15702248&slug=Attention-Magazine-October-2018-vol-10
Damien Godard


╔══════✩ Stroker's Vice Beach ✩════════▫  
╫◈   ահօ :    ✭ DJ Moonie ✭
╫◈   ահɑէ :  Hotties and Hot Tunes Poolside!
╫◈   ահҽղ : Tonight, 5-7PM SLT
╫◈   host  :   ✭ Ali ✭
╫◈   Sploder Winners Strip - House Rules!

No More! ; Parthenea
The taste of the blade no longer commanded her. Dropping them she left it behind her vowing No More!


New Adult Furniture Review ; edvard Taurion
[NB] ~ Executive Sofa
Detailed, luxurious and elegant, prim low and affordable with smooth running menu! Read all about it on:

Hands On ; Tatiana Easterwood Hands make the pleasure live



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Sunday, October 7, 2018

Notices, October 6th

The inquisitor  ; Faith Darrow
There are some things far more frightening then death...


*SL PORN* Beach Party Starts MeeeOOOooooOOooooWW!!! ; Katina Cazalet
It's time for biggest and best orgy of the week!! At The World Famous Porn*Stars Beach with DJ Zoey!! Meow, rawr and stuff !!!

Porn parties are the best way to meet (and f*ck!)newcummers, greet (and shag!!!) producers, bump into (and BUMP INTO, wink wink!!!!) your friends, and so much more! Let's get it on and have another great party, your Don't Miss It stop for the weekend!!

witches ; Stacia Reinoir
witches, they ride
on broomsticks, 'ya know
angels use wings
to catch the wind's blow
and they're moving as far as they can
and as fast as they can


Not Porn  YET!! Just EVIL ; TeganMalone


BY: Tegan

Mandingo Black ; MissEmily23
No porn experience, but lots of sex experience!
Interview with naughty pictures

If you would like an interview, contact me to schedule one.

Violetta Raine ; Ali Lancrae
♥  -Ali

New Adult Furniture Review ; edvard Taurion
[Ds] Vespera Bondage Bed
Luxurious and rich, new "flag ship" bed of Dictator store, for true SL adult furniture connoisseurs! Read all about it on:

***Note: If you have "Disabled Downloading" of your photos on your flickr, we will respect your privacy and not post them here. If you wish to see them here turn that off.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

* SL PORN * Saturday BEACH Party!!

Today, The World Famous PornStars Beach Party!!

Saturday October 6th1pm to 3pm slt on  
The World Famous PornStars Beach: 
 DJ Zoey Winsmore will be playing the music. 

As always, nudity and naughtiness is encouraged! Most every piece of furniture on the beach has a sex menu, so don't be shy this is a porn star party on an adult sim, the naughtier the better!!

If you are new to porn, parties are made so you can meet others in porn make some friends and help you get cast. There is a lot of comers and goers in porn and the best way to let people like myself know you're interested or still available is to come to parties, I cast people not names, no one casts sight unseen, no one gets discovered or remembered sitting at home, you need to show whether you want to be a part of this community or not!! 

Parties are a golden opportunity so take it!!! See and be seen!!! Hope you all cum and have a great time !

***NOTEWe want to make this party enjoyable for allb
ecause of the size of the crowd (40+) at this party we ask that everyone be under 110 scripts.  A script counter is set at the landing zone and shows the 10 most heavily scripted avis to help you know if you are one, also  the "Doorman" will be active and give you 8 minutes to reduce your scripts if you exceed the limits before ejecting you. Please, it's just a matter of educating yourself on what script heavy items you are wearing and removing them. We want to do everything we can to make these parties enjoyable for everyone and reducing lag is a big part of it.
*** WARNING: Naughty pictures will be taken!! So if you're fucking someone that will probably get posted on this blog for the world to see!! Where as if you stay clothed and stand in one spot, the chances greatly diminish!!

Notices, October 5th

Looking for Life on Mars ; Aria Horan

devil girl ; Stacia Reinoir
the many days of halloween go on


New Adult Furniture Review ; edvard Taurion
DO Halloween Scene v1.1 - Adult
In 6 prims, 100 % mesh, detailed, easy to use, decorative and functional, best buy for October!!! Read all about it on:

Pale ; Eonya
At the beginning of every October I switch to a skin tone a couple shades lighter, to represent the fading of my summer tan. But for the first few days it's pretty jarring how porcelain I feel.


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Friday, October 5, 2018

Mandingo Black (mandingoblack)

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* SL PORN * Saturday BEACH Party!!

Tomorrow, The World Famous PornStars Beach Party!!

Saturday October 6th, 1pm to 3pm slt 
The World Famous PornStars Beach: 
DJ Zoey Winsmore will be playing the music. 

As always, nudity and naughtiness is encouraged! Most every piece of furniture on the beach has a sex menu, so don't be shy this is a porn star party on an adult sim, the naughtier the better!!

If you are new to porn, parties are made so you can meet others in porn make some friends and help you get cast. There is a lot of comers and goers in porn and the best way to let people like myself  know you're interested or still available is to come to parties, I cast people not names, no one casts sight unseen, no one gets discovered or remembered sitting at home, you need to show whether you want to be a part of this community or not!!

Parties are a golden opportunity so take it!!! See and be seen!!! Hope you all cum and have a great time!

***NOTEWe want to make this party enjoyable for allb
ecause of the size of the crowd (40+) at this party we ask that everyone be under 110 scripts.  A script counter is set at the landing zone and shows the 10 most heavily scripted avis to help you know if you are one, also  the "Doorman" will be active and give you 8 minutes to reduce your scripts if you exceed the limits before ejecting you. Please, it's just a matter of educating yourself on what script heavy items you are wearing and removing them. We want to do everything we can to make these parties enjoyable for everyone and reducing lag is a big part of it.
*** WARNING: Naughty pictures will be taken!! So if you're fucking someone that will probably get posted on this blog for the world to see!! Where as if you stay clothed and stand in one spot, the chances greatly diminish!!

Notices, October 4th

Late Night Double Feature  ; Aria Horan
Getting my fright on

HOTTIES AFTER HOURS  10-4-18 ; Ali Lancrae
And On Fire..
♥  -Ali

"Did you hear that?" ; Aria Horan
Is it guards or....

witchy ; Stacia Reinoir
she held me spellbound in the night
dancing shadows and firelight
crazy laughter in another room
and she drove herself to madness with a silver spoon


~SL~ Connoisseur Magazine October release party ; edvard Taurion
Three years in SL, with 36 releases under our belt, all thanks to you, our dear readers! Its time to party, celebrate, see and bee seen! Half way there, with DJ Suffy, raffle, Kiki taking pictures and much more! Please join us and party like Charlie Sheen ;)

~SL~ Connoisseur Magazine October release party ; edvard Taurion
Three years in SL, with 36 releases under our belt, all thanks to you, our dear readers! Its time to party, celebrate, see and bee seen! Starting at 11 am SLT with DJ Suffy, raffle, Kiki taking pictures and much more! Please join us and party like Charlie Sheen ;)

***Note: If you have "Disabled Downloading" of your photos on your flickr, we will respect your privacy and not post them here. If you wish to see them here turn that off.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Notices, October 3rd

I Do It Solo ; Ali Lancrae
Sometimes  ^. .^
♥  -Ali

Meeting at the fall bench ; Willow Ishmene

Testing the Blade ; Aria Horan

Mana Garden ; Sheribalto

1/2 way means,  Naked time!!! ; MissEmily23
Still time to come and have fun!!

DJ Zoey Winsmore will be playing the music.
Emily will host the event.

WS Creations is back as our sponsor again this week and 3 people will win a prize box worth between L$1000 and L$300. The raffle is free, you just need to enter!!!

Meet your fellow pornies!!

Cum get naked with us & more!!!

September 26th, Hump Day Party ; MissEmily23
If you were at this weeks party, you might be in these pictures.
If you couldn't make it you should see what you missed!! 
Dirty Little Girl DJ Moonie (Deka Teardrop) did a fantastic job!!

This weeks sponsor was Smooching Serpents, they have gave us (3)  Smooching Serpents Gift Cards to raffle off!

Next Party: Hump-day Party; Wednesday October 3rd at Porn✰Stars Sex Club 1pm to 3pm

***Note: If you have "Disabled Downloading" of your photos on your flickr, we will respect your privacy and not post them here. If you wish to see them here turn that off.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Notices, October 2nd

Check Out the Manicure ; Debi Whitfield
Happy Tuesday!!
Enjoy,  *kisses*


TT - Hey boys the party is up here ; Babygirllucci
Its Titty Tuesday and the fun is about to begin.

Models from left to right: Rachel Avro (rachelchristine.avro), - ̗̀ Ѕтасеу Lцссіапо ̖́- (babygirllucci), Jasmine (ladyannabellelee)

Photo, Poses, and concept done by Stacey Lucciano (babygirllucci)


white light white heat ; Staica Reinoir
white light, White light goin' messin' up my mind
white light, and don't you know its gonna make me go blind
white heat, aww white heat it tickle me down to my toes
white light, Oh have mercy white light have it goodness knows


Floating Topless ;  Triciad317
I love laying out in the sun without a stitch of clothing on.


Topless Tuesday ; TeganMalone
Love N Licks. Tegan

you can be happy everyday ; Stacia Reinoir
silly rabbit, asses aren't just for mondays


New Adult Furniture Review ; edvard Taurion
[NB] ~ Throne of Bones
Ideal for Halloween, decorative and functional in same time, with easy to use menu and much more! Read all about it on:

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Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Notices, October 1st

Calling down the lightning ; Parthenea
The Goddess Astrape bringing forth the raging fire from heaven!


Lapis Loring + Don Roodborst ; Don Roodborst

H.A.M. - Decisions, decisions ; Aria Horan

Giving H.A.M ; Jewell Infinity

Just another HAMmy pic for all you rpervs ; Selina Anatra
Insert funny description here.....



HAM Afloat ; Triciad317
Just a lazy day at the nude beach.


For Halloween NOT PORN:      SET IT OFF ; TeganMalone
I watch to many Murder shows BOOHAHAHAHAHAH


By: Tegan Malone

Models: Tegan, Kat and Cross

The ritual ; Faith Darrow

~SL~ Connoisseur Magazine October! ; edvard Taurion
Three years ago we start with ~SL~ Connoisseur Magazine, you still love it we still making it :) Thank you! Bigger then ever before, with new ideas & articles with all traditional ones live and kicking! Dont forget our promo party on Thursday October 04. 11 am slt!

***Note: If you have "Disabled Downloading" of your photos on your flickr, we will respect your privacy and not post them here. If you wish to see them here turn that off.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Notices, September 30th

Fireside ; Eonya
Autumn's my favorite time of year, because it brings crisper temperates which mean huddling, or cuddling, by the fireplace.

Happy Ass Monday!


Don't be jealous - it's H.A.M. ; Babygirllucci
The Sensational Rachel Avro (rachelchristine.avro) and I decided to have a little candlelight fun after the Hotties party and the fun carried early into the morning sun.

Photo, Poses, and modelling done by Stacey Lucciano (babygirllucci)


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