Sunday, September 23, 2018

Notices, September 22nd

Forest Predators; Aria Horan

New Adult Furniture Review; edvard Taurion
[NB] ~ the BULL throne
New release from NAUGHTYbits Erotic Furniture Store, available in four designs with same menu, ultra low in prim with easy to use menu and much more! Read all about it on:

*SL PORN* Beach Party started ALLLREADDDYYYYY; Katina Cazalet
Time for biggest and best Orgy of the week!! On The World Famous Porn*Stars Beach with DJ Zoey playing her tunes!!!

Your SL*Porn party starts NOOWWWW, the best way of Fucking your fellow pornies and hopefully making friends and working together!! ..really that's what the production notes of miss Emily tell me .... Who knows , I am told these things do happen!
Cum on over!!

PNC-Wearing Confidence Daily; Alexandria Topaz

Erotic Couch; Jeffcosgrove
Soooo...I've been having fun with this latest series, attempting to create pictures in the style of these erotic portraits. I've done a few along the way that were intended as direct studies. Others like this are simply a mimic of the style. Hope you like.

The Snake Charmer; Aria Horan

***Note: If you have "Disabled Downloading" of your photos on your flickr, we will respect your privacy and not post them here. If you wish to see them here turn that off.

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