Saturday, March 31, 2012

Must Buy of the Week

LOVE + SEX RUG 4 PRIMS 340 HQ Animations Cuddle Dance Hardlove Single Massage rug fur. L$199

I had noticed another ANPULI LIFESTYLE rug in the MarketPlace for a long time (the one with 859 reviews) but thought because of it's low price the quality would be low as well. 

Linda bought us this one and yesterday we tried it out (reason we were late to the party), and are very happy with it.

The animations aren't perfect, but I have yet to see anything on SL that is, for the price it's just as good as some of furniture or rugs we spent 10 times that much on.
The rug has a big menu with over 340 High Quality animations: 

Click "Read more" to see the rest of our pictures, the MarketPlace pictures and Links

From the MaketPlace:

1 comment:

  1. Cool stuff Em and Lil, I checked them out, I like the poses.
