Friday, October 20, 2017

Notices, October 19

Todays Features  Midnight Shinja

A brand new collection featuring DJ Keltis
Annnd ......
Some Halloween fun with Chastity Devil

Nosh vs Abigail Part 1 Noshinima

I was walking down the streets in the ghettos of The Bronx one afternoon, making sure not to draw too much attention to myself because you know how these ghettos are. I suddenly see a familiar face walking towards me. It was PJ Thornton! I haven't seen her in forever and I just had to say hi.

However, she seemed confused and kept telling me that I wasn't who I was thinking. Though, I'm sure she was joking... I think.

Stay tuned for more. ;)

a hot car roof Stacia Reinoir

it feels good against the skin of my back, even though the car is so hot from sitting in the sun all day...

Ballerina Niki Oh

I'm dancin' and singin' in the rain :)

Nikki xx

New Adult Furniture Review Edvard Taurion

GW 3P Chic Bed (Adult)
Innovative and imaginative, with smooth running menu, affordable price and much more. Read all about it on:

PNC-Come Closer Alexandria Topaz

A. Topaz

Long Slide between my Tits Giselehendrix

Glad if ya like it ;-) I did

Rikki Sixx

Nosh vs G Part 9 (Final) Noshinima

I spent the last few minutes at the college library responding to my fans that were watching and G pretty much had the idea to clean up my back while I was typing away. I wish his cum did not have to go to waste but I had no choice for tonight; I had to leave soon. G didn't seem to be too worried that he is being recorded, but he did shyly wave to my audience. I thought it was cute but I'm glad that he was more comfortable than not.

A Little Something for the Ladies and T-Girls Nymale69

Witchy Woman Ali Lancrae

See How High She Flies
♥  -Ali

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